Snap & Solve (Biology)

kingdom plantae

Picture of 1M1S09a NAZURAH  BINTI HAMZAH PST - Modul I
Re: kingdom plantae
by 1M1S09a NAZURAH BINTI HAMZAH PST - Modul I - Saturday, 17 March 2018, 8:59 PM


Construct a table that consists of comparison between the primitive plant to the most advanced one by listing their unique characteristics for each phylum because different phylum have their own characteristics. Write as simple as you can and read it before you sleep or anytime you feel free. 


draw all the structures can make you memorize it better and try to find any kind of plant that available around you and you can see it,  touch it, infront of your eyes. And you can also memorize them by doing some extra structural question from past year, quiz and so on. You can ask the handouts from your lecturers. I believe they have a lot of exercises sheets.